Chocolate – Super Food for Better Health

Chocolates are sweet in taste, rich in multivitamins, and minerals, which provides various benefits, to the health. Many, of the people, are unknown about the advantages, of eating chocolates. The cocoa seeds that are found from the tree called Theobroma cocoa are used, to make chocolates. Its formation also includes cocoa butter, sugar and milk. However, it is seen that dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate, but prefer to eat not more than 1 to 2 chocolates in, a day. Since the dark chocolates contain some amount, of caffeine. In some of the countries people found chocolates, as a dessert. Chocolate is a super food, which reduces the stress and give relax, to the mind. It is a very good source of food because it increases sexual ability. However, the presence of serotonin in dark chocolates assists, to reduce the depression level. Its consumption improves the function of the brain and the heart. It is antioxidants, anti aging, etc. Consumption of chocolates minimizes the cholesterol level, and promotes a healthy body. The presence of flavanoids in the chocolates assists, to balance the blood pressure level and hormones, in the body. Further, the several benefits of eating chocolates are listed below.

  • It promotes a healthy heart

The recent studies on chocolates have proven that eating chocolates daily minimizes, the problem of heart disorders, and promotes a healthy heart. Consuming, a small part of dark chocolates daily assist, to improve the heart and cardiovascular function. The presence of antioxidants, in the chocolates prevents from free radicals, which may cause heart damages. Consuming, a small part of dark chocolates daily, reduces the level of high blood pressure and cholesterol.

  • The best way to decline the weight

Consuming chocolates burns the cholesterol in the body, which indirectly leads, to decline in the weight. People facing overweight problem, could prefer to eat one chocolate daily, to reduce the weight. It is a best solution to maintain proper weight.

  • Beneficial for pregnant women

It is scientifically, proven that eating chocolates in pregnancy, not only make the mood happier, but also give healthy delivery. It is a suggestion for the pregnant women, to consume at least one dark chocolate in a day. This might help, to reduce the stress and depression of the women, and develop healthy and happier baby. Further, the presence of iron, magnesium in the chocolates aids, to build well metabolic system. It will help the pregnant women, to maintain proper weight, and balance the cholesterol level in pregnancy. It is a good solution, to reduce the stress level during pregnancy.

  • It endorses healthy hair

After, a long study, it is found that eating chocolates promote the growth, of the hair. It improves the blood circulation movement toward the scalp, which indirectly enhances the growth of the hair and prevent from hair loss. Existence of anti-inflammatory properties, in chocolates prevents the scalp, from getting infected.

  • Give healthy skin

Antioxidant properties, which contain in dark chocolates, prevent the skin from free radicals. It protects your skin from ultraviolet rays, and reduces the problem, of skin burn and skin cancers. Consuming dark chocolates one in a day bring, more glows on the face, and minimize the problem of pimples, itching and rashes. It enhances the look of the skin, and makes it more attractive.

  • Improve the vision of the eyes

The, studies had indicated that the presence of flavanoids in dark chocolates assists, to enhance the smooth flow of blood, towards the brain, which indirectly improves the vision, of the eyes. So, this is another benefit that can be gained, from eating dark chocolates.

  • Prevention from strokes

The presence, of flavanoids in the dark chocolates, enhances the cells of the nerves which, assist to get prevented, from strokes. It also minimizes the chances, of Alzheimer’s and various brain disorders.

  • Enhance the memory power

Eating, chocolates improve the memory power, and build healthy brain. Its daily consumption in limit surely enhances the thinking ability, of the person. It makes the mind sharper and creative; since it acts as a best medicine, to reduce the stress level.

  • Cough relief

Some, of the studies, had examined that the presence of theobromine in dark chocolates aid, to get relief from the cough. It might help to get rid of cough gradually by eating chocolates.

  • Improve the digestion

Consuming, chocolates improves the digestion systems, and reduces the chances of diarrhea. Cocoa flavanoids aid, to get relief from stomach ache and stomach disorders.

  • It increases the appetite

It has been examined that eating chocolates daily, enhances the level, of appetite. So, if the person is lacking of appetite, start eating chocolates, to enhance the level of appetite. A dark chocolate also carries the capacity, to cure the infection of anemia.

  • Good to maintain the sexual habit

The presence of amino acid, in the chocolates develops a natural sex, in the body. Consumption of chocolates would be beneficial, for women and men both, to boost the sexual habit. It maximizes the nitric oxide, which assists, to enhance the flow of blood towards, the sexual organ and enhances the level of desire, satisfaction, and sensation. Many of the research had indicated that eating chocolates enhances the sexual power. Further, it is scientifically proven that the person facing poor sexual ability, should consume dark chocolates, to enhance the power of sex. There is no particular time, to eat the chocolates; people can eat in the morning and night. It is mostly advisable to the women, so that they can enjoy their sexual life. We can say chocolate is a better sex diet that assist, to improve the sexual habit.

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