10 Simple ways to boost-up your metabolism

A metabolism rate is a chemical process that takes place within a living being in order to sustain life. Human body gets its energy from food and through a process called metabolism. It is a process that allows a man to grow and reproduce new offspring. There are many different ways to boost your metabolism rate. In this article will discuss top 10 effective ways to improve your metabolism rate.

1. Drink Water

Dehydration slowdowns your bodily function and metabolism rate, the moment your metabolism rate is slowdown your organ can’t or won’t function as effectively as it should. It is scientifically proven that human body requires adequate amount of water to function smoothly especially during exercising and burning fats.

To remain well hydrated it is important to intake at least 40 ounces of water which almost 8 glasses of water in a day.

2. Drink Ice Cold water

Drinking icy cold water, in the morning is a very effective way to speed up your metabolism rate. As you drink cold water, your body will warm up the water flowing into your system, which means it eventually raises your metabolism process. This can be simple added to your daily routines, this also contribute in your weight loss efforts.

3. Build Muscles

Our body is constantly burning calories, even while we are asleep. It is proven and said that muscles burn more calories than fats. Building muscles is a great way to increase your metabolism rate, incorporate a weight training program to your daily exercise regime. A weight training program helps you build muscles by breaking the fibers of existing muscles. This is to rebuild and strengthen those muscles that you have to use to burn lot of calories. This process in return will boosts up your metabolism rate.

4. Get Enough Sleep

It is scientifically proven that when you do get enough sleep you tend to feel hungry even when you are full. Sleep deprivation can lead to cause overeating; this can affects your body’s ability to sufficient metabolism rate. This problem and lead to cause a rapid weight gain and make weight loss more difficult.

5. Never quit your breakfast

Say “YES” to your morning breakfast. Never skip your morning breakfast as it helps you to enhance your metabolism right from the beginning of the day. It is natural that your metabolism rate slows down overnight after being deprived of food for several hours. You cells needs to be refilled with nutrients or else they will adapt by storing fats in your body.

6. Have 3-4 small meals

Don’t starve yourself, eat something healthy after every 3-4 hours it helps regulate your blood and encourage your metabolism to work at a higher rate. At times, when you skip your meals your metabolic thermostat stops working as they are supposed to in order to preserve its remaining energy.

7. Consume some amount of calorie each day

Starving yourself is not going to help you lose weight, doing this will take your body to starvation mode and this will gradually decrease your metabolism rate.

8. Consume adequate amount of Vitamin B and Magnesium

Vitamin B plays a key role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. They also help you to generate more energy. Deficiency of Vitamin B in the body can make you feel down and tired. Adequate amount of magnesium helps the hearts and muscles to function correctly and produce more energy.

9. Exercise & Practice Yoga

Performing different type of cardio exercise, weight training, aerobics and practice different yoga posses on regular based can help a person to improve his metabolism rate to a great extent and will also help your lose some weight.

10. Say No to Sugar and Yes to Spices

When to start intake of sugar your body gradually switches from metabolic to fats storage mode. High level of blood sugar leads to increase the level of insulin and store unused energy into fats.

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