20 Helpful Tips for Eye Care

We all known and believe that eyes are the most important organ of human body; therefore, it is important to be careful about it. It is said that “eyes opens the door of the world for a person and it also discloses the inner-self of a person to the world”. Our eyes reveal the feeling, the attitude and the status of our mind and body; it is also said as the most beautiful organ in our body. Many of us often lack behind to take proper care of our eyes.

Follow these tips to make your eyes even more beautiful and youthful.

  1. Every morning after waking up, fill your mouth with water close your eyes and drizzle, flush cold water on your eyes for about 5-10 minutes to keep them clean and germs-free.
  2. Avoid constantly staring at one place or object kept at a long distance. Do not see at any object for a very long time under bring sunlight.
  3. Avoid reading writing or performing any difficult task if their no enough light. Take a break or rest for sometime if you feel heaviness of eyes and fatigue.
  4. Ensure that your hands are clean before touching the eyes.
  5. Heavy smoking and eating tobacco can decrease your eye sight. Try and stop this habit of yours as soon as possible to protect your vision.
  6. Use UV protective sunglasses, when you go out during a sunny day. It will also protect your eyes from dust, smoke, scorching sun and strong winds.
  7. In cause if dust particle enter your eyes, simply splash cold water n your eyes or blink your eyes for several time the dirt may flush-out along with tears. Do not rub your eyes it will simply cause irritation and will also not let the germ come out of your eyes.
  8. Simple exercise for eyes that you can do anytime of the day to improve your vision is, move your eye-ball in all direction up, down, left, right, clockwise and anti—clockwise.
  9. Cabbage and carrot are some of the popular and essential eye care food that must be intake by all to better vision.
  10. Frequent use of eyes care medication can make a person blind.
  11. AC can cause dryness in your eyes so it is advisable to you that you must frequently blink your eyes when in AC.
  12. Do not watch TV or work on your PC continuously as it is not good for your eyes. Take a break in between and let your eyes relax for some time.
  13. Excessive intake of salt causes puffiness around the eyes, therefore, cut down the salt intake.
  14. Drink enough water to avoid wrinkles around the eyes. Inadequate consumption of water can make you look older. Your half of the problem can be solved if you are taking in proper amount of water.
  15. The food that you intake plays a very important role to your eye care. Eat food that is high in content of Vitamins A, C, and E; eat citrus fruits, tomatoes, dairy products, spinach, green leafy veggies, and poultry on a daily basis. Always carry a box full of chopped cucumber, carrots, and fresh fruits and munch them in-between meals while you are away from home or in office.
  16. Avoid caffeinated drinks, sodas and junk foods.
  17. Remove your eye make-up before going to bed.
  18. Get your eyes regularly checked by your doctor and wear suitable sun glass/specs/lenses if required.
  19. Do not share your sunglass/specs/lenses with any other person.
  20. Use used tea bags to relax your eyes by placing them on your eyes.
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