Diabetes is one kind of a severe ailment, described by an elevated sugar level in the blood. It is occurs because of irregular metabolism of the hormone insulin, which is released by the beta cells of the pancreas. Insulin plays a significant role in controlling the metabolic process of sugar in the body. It stimulates the body cells to assimilate glucose from the blood, for utilizing it as a root of energy. This function of insulin is interrupted in diabetes sufferers. Therefore, sugar stays in the blood, leading to elevated blood glucose level (hyperglycemia) and related symptoms.


It is figured that approximately 8.3% Americans are affected with diabetes. In fact, it is discovered as one of the main reason of death, after cancer and heart disease. There are three types of diabetes relying on the cause of the disease, viz. type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. While the health effects came with elevated blood sugar stays the same, definite symptoms change slightly depending on the type of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes:-

Around 10-15% of diabetes sufferers are affected with this type. Type 1 diabetes takes place because of damage of beta cells of the pancreas, which lead to little or no production of insulin. Previously, it was believed to target only children and hence, it is called to as juvenile diabetes or childhood diabetes. As sufferers of type 1 diabetes needs insulin injections on a daily basis, it is also referred as insulin dependent diabetes.


In adverse to type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is called as adult onset diabetes or insulin-independent diabetes. In this form of diabetes, either the body cells fail to respond appropriately to insulin or there is lack of insulin. It is frequently related with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.


This type of diabetes is same like type 2 diabetes, but takes place only in pregnant women. Also termed as carbohydrate intolerance, it is occurred either because of hormonal changes or inadequacy of insulin during pregnancy. Generally, the level of sugar becomes regular or near normal after giving birth to the child. In case, the symptoms continue then there a high possibility of obtaining type 2 diabetes in a later phase.


A few signs of diabetes are demonstrated in the early phase (or prediabetes phase). Therefore, approx one-third of people affected with diabetes remain unconscious about the elevated blood sugar level. When the early symptoms of diabetes take place, they remain confused with signs of other health ailments. As a result, some warning signs are listed below to detect this sugar imbalanced disease at earliest.

  1. Constant urination:-

A common symptom demonstrated in the early phase of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is constant urination (polyuria). As glucose in the body raises beyond the normal level, filtration by kidneys is deficient. This also hinders water assimilation by the kidneys, leading to frequent urination.

  1. Increased thirst:-

Increased in the frequency of urination is one of the leading reasons behind too much loss of body fluids. Finally dehydration takes place, stimulating increased thirst (polydipsia). If one is drinking plenty of water than the regular amount and the number of urination are raised, then the chances of either type 1 or type 2 diabetes increases considerably.

  1. Increased hunger:-

Another major sign of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is increased hunger. One of the functions of insulin is causing starvation. Once the body begins releasing more insulin to lower glucose level in the bloodstream, it is obvious to go through increased appetite (polyphagia).

  1. Unexplained weight loss:-

A patient who is in the prediabetes phase goes through unexpected weight loss, even without trying. This happens because of too much loss of sugar in the urine. The body begins utilizing muscular proteins and fats as its cause of energy, leading to weight loss. This sign is distinctive of type 1 diabetes.

  1. Blur vision:-

People suffering through type 2 diabetes are highly susceptible to vision problem. Elevated blood sugar level contributes to change in the shape of the eye lenses. Ultimately, this leads to lack of concentration and blurred vision in patients.

  1. Frequent yeast and skin infections:-

Patient of type 2 diabetes frequently confronts yeast and skin infections. Untreated excessive sugar is responsible for causing damage to the nerves, stimulating neuropathy symptoms (numbness in the extremities). Moreover, cuts and wounds take longer duration to cure completely.

  1. Extreme fatigue:-

Among people going through prediabetes, high amount of sugar is found in the blood and not in the cells. Since the body cells are deficient by the vital energy source called glucose, the patient experience increased fatigue at most of the time. Physical capability gets lowered and the patient becomes tired very easily.

It has been noticed that immune system of people with diabetes is low comparing to a healthy person. This may be because of presence of high amount of glucose in the blood. This in turn hinders the appropriate functioning of white blood cells (leukocytes). If person confront any of the above mentioned warning signs, he/should should prefer blood glucose test immediately. Medical aid from a health specialist for proper diagnosis is indispensable. The doctor may recommend you lifestyle and diet modification to obtain control over blood sugar level. Keep in mind that untreated diabetes can contribute to severe health issues like diabetes retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, and kidney failure and kidney disease. Erectile dysfunction in men and vaginal dryness in women impaired with type 2 diabetes are also not uncommon. Even regular checking of blood sugar is mandatory to keep blood sugar under control.

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