Castor plant is also scientifically named as Ricinus Communis. This plant was originated in East Africa, but it also found extensively in the Indian subcontinent and the Mediterranean area. These days, castor plants are developed as a crop in many American states since demand for castor seeds or castor beans have risen considerably.

Beneficial in combating Rheumatism:-

The seeds of castor oil are filled with ricinoleic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and several forms of fatty acids. All these acids are considered to be very helpful in healing gout and rheumatism. The oil elicited from these seeds is known to have rapid penetrating properties. This is because once you apply castor on the affected areas you get instant relief. Most often castor oil is combine with other herbs and essential oils with medicinal properties to increase the effect and improve the outcome. Daily application is mandatory to experiencing long lasting results.

Alleviates menstrual pain:-

Abdominal pain and cramps is common for women at the time of menstruation. Even sometimes they also notice obstructed or delayed menstruation. Heavy bleeding makes women anemic and gives an open invitation to depression and insomnia. The emmenagogue nature of ricinoleic acid present in castor seed oil clears the flow of menstrual cycle and alleviates pain and cramps. In short, it is beneficial in easing acute pain during menstruation and opening.

Superior in birth control:-

Seeds of castor hold a toxic element termed as Ricin, a type of protein. Castor oil holds a little amount of this toxic protein. Several health experts have suggested that small dosages of Ricin are very effective for birth control. It is superior as a germicidal substance and hence frequently utilized in spermicidal gels, creams, and lotion. Pregnant women should take extra care about its usage because overdosage can contribute to abortion.

Induce lactation process:-

Castor seeds are known to have immense source of galactagogue properties, which can induce milk secretion. Plus, it also alleviates the flow of milk and raises the quantity of milk. An abundant source of fatty acids in castor bean oil offers regular supply of milk in nursing mothers. Make use of only that castor oil which has been elicited form the castor beans through cold compressing process and in reasonable amount, or else it may affect the child negatively.

Acts as a moisturizing agent:-

An excellent source of fatty acids is present in it which easily penetrates the skin, providing immediate relief from dry and cracked skin. Make use of it as a moisturizing agent to eliminate dry patches and treat dehydrated skin. But use it in little amount as it is laden with fatty acids. You can experience its prosperity when you touch it, as it seems thick, greasy and sleek. Every night apply a little amount of castor seed oil on your face and next morning see the supple, soft skin.

Heals bruises and wounds:-

A plaster prepared from castor seed oil has been observed to be useful in treating wounds and external bruises. Even deep wounds and bruises can be treated easily with help of plaster of castor seed oil and you can notice instant outcomes after the application. For experiencing superior and rapid outcomes, apply the poultice two times in a day and wrap it with unbleached cotton.

Helps to get over arthritis:-

Arthritis is extremely painful and severe disease of joints and bones, when it becomes chronic it may disable the person or may reduce his movement. The severe pain induced because of arthritis can be easily lowered with massaging castor seed oil on the affected areas. This becomes possible due to high amount of anti-inflammatory properties present in it. You simply need to massage it on daily basis to get rid of joint pains, sore muscles and nerve inflammations.

Boost hair growth:-

Castor seed oil is extensively utilized for treating numerous health issues and an integral part of different forms of hair care products. The oil is a powerhouse of omega-6 essential fatty acids that are indispensable for boosting lavish hair growth. Once you apply the warm castor oil on scalp, it promotes blood circulation and clears the pores of hair follicles. So, consequently hair gets nourishment from its roots. Leaving the oil overnight ensures great outcomes. Though the oil is sticky, still allow it to leave for 7-8 hours. This remedy plays a significant role in controlling hair breakage and split ends problem.

Boon for constipation:-

Studies indicate that castor oil functions like a great laxative and is potent against constipation. For appropriate bowel movement, consume a teaspoon of castor oil before going to bed. As castor seed oil is bitter in taste, try maximum to take it with orange juice, ginger juice, prune juice or cranberry juice. Remember; do not repeat this treatment for more than 3 days to stay away from diarrhea symptoms.

Drains too much fluids:-

If you are confronting high amount of fluid in the liver and lymph, then make use of castor pack to ease the problem.

Cures fungal infections:-

Castor seed oil has vast source of antimicrobial properties that make it perfect for curing all forms of fungal infections, mild scratches and cuts. Most people utilize it as a first-aid treatment to beat itching and pain. It assists to cure the infections by eliminating the infection stimulating fungi.

Best for thick eyebrows:-

Almost every women die to have well-shaped and thick eyebrows. Sometimes, they also make use of eyebrow pencils to darken their eyebrows so that they seem thick. But to thicken eyebrows naturally castor oil therapy is one of the effective solutions. In addition, you can also utilize castor seed oil to improve the thickness of your eyelashes.


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