Reasonable amount of exercise plays a crucial role in improving person’s physical and emotional well-being. Daily physical activity assists significantly to get over mental health issues and stress. Several studies have revealed that daily exercise not just aid in achieving slim and toned body, but it has shown positive outcomes on mind as well. Some mental conditions such as depression, anxiety, tension and stress not only interfere with the mind but also highly affect body. Any sort of physical activity plays a dominant role by acting as an antidepressant and improving the performance of the brain.

Any kind of physical activity aids in building endorphins. These are nothing but protein molecules that works as sedatives and alleviate the pain that is formed because of stress or tension. The endorphins that are formed during exercises exhibits positive results on brain which ultimately reflects on body as well. They lower risk of stress, cravings, pain, agitation, controls production of hormones, improve dietary habits and boosts immune system. Such endorphins are even responsible for slowing down the process of aging. Because of inactive but hectic life, the brain forms cortisol hormones that contribute to stress. Endorphins that are formed out of exercising substitute the stress hormones and carry peace and emotional steadiness. In fact, these hormones are powerful sufficient to relieve the person from minor depression and stress and enable the person to feel good. Physically active body not gives just rise to development of endorphins but also forms dopamine, adrenaline and serotonin that aid in maintaining pleased mood. Exercising promotes the formation of these hormones and has numerous advantages that aid in leading to an individual’s overall well-being.


There are innumerable ways of improving mental health. Exercising is believed to be most prominent and potent method that functions wonderfully on physical as well as emotional aspects of life.

  • Promote self esteem:-

Absence of exercise in life is responsible for one’s poor self-esteem in stressful conditions. Daily exercises assist one to feel happy about their body, which in turn improves ones confidence level. Exercising assist in toning the body and enhances the flow of energy all over your body, hence consequently keeps you energetic. This continuous flow of energy contributes to positive thinking and even increases your performance at work.

  • Ensures sound sleep:-

Exercising at the appropriate time promote good quality and quantity of sleep. A better peaceful sleep aids in keeping mind cool and keeps fresh you for the whole day. It not only encourages the sleep well cycle but also the digestive system. In short, daily physical activity treats certain sleep disorder and even prevent occurrence of sleep related health ailments.

  • Assist to prevent cognitive decline:-

It’s disagreeable, but it’s reality that with growing age, human brain becomes little hazy. Since aging and degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s exterminate brain cells. Daily exercising together with healthy diet fails to heal the Alzheimer’s completely, but they support the brain against the cognitive decline that starts after the age of 45. In addition, daily exercising promote the chemical present in the brain that aid and avert degeneration of the hippocampus, an integral element of the brain for learning and memory, particularly among people of age group of 25-45.

  • Break from work:-

Entire day people are frequently engaged in their work. Some prefer to take work at home while some remains mentally engrossed with their work. This finally carries lot of stress on the mind of an individual. Hence, it is essential to keep oneself away from everyday errands and work life. Exercise is one such effective solution that will divert the mind from work. Such a diversion is vital as it aids free your mind from tension and stress and totally freshens it. It refreshes in such a way that make you ready for a new day at work with full attention and pleasure.

  • Improved hunger:-

Daily adequate exercising keep one’s craving in check and steadily improves the digestive and immune system. Further, this controlled appetite assist individual to maintain healthy body weight and brings a steady increase in energy levels.

  • Beats anxiety:-

Exercises assist significantly to get over unpleasant condition like Anxiety. This becomes possible by the warm and fuzzy chemicals that are expelled during and after exercise. These chemical assist people suffering through anxiety disorders to calm down.

  • Promote happy chemicals:-

An exercise frees endorphins, which boost the feeling of happiness and euphoria. Studies indicate that exercise helps to get relief from symptoms among the clinically depressed. Due to this reason, most of Physician suggests exercising for people going through anxiety and depression. According to studies, in some cases, exercise simply functions like powerful antidepressant medicine in healing depression. For experiencing this result, no need to particularly visit gym, even 30 minutes of exercising can also promote overall mood.

  • Maintains physical fitness:-

Daily exercise encourages energy levels and toughens health and physical tolerance. It induces the feel good hormones and ultimately makes the person feel pleased. Moreover, it also aids control eating habits that proves beneficial for the body’s physical status.

  • Assist to control Addiction:-

The brain expels dopamine, the “reward chemical” in reaction to any kind of pleasure like alcohol, drugs, sex, exercise or food. Unluckily, some people become hooked to dopamine and reliant on substances that produce it, particularly alcohol or drugs (and infrequently food and sex). But, the exercise plays a key role to overcome addiction. Short exercise session proven useful in keeping you away from alcohol or drug addiction at least to a some extent by making them de-prioritize desires.

  • Good communication:-

Exercising cuts down boredom and assists in raising social interaction. With the expel of endorphins and the feel good mood, one become able to communicate better and involved in meeting different people, this in turn adds to one’s social life.

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