Frequent urination is a common disorder found more in an older person. However, people tend to go for repeated urination due to illness or certain health disorders. Sometime, men fail to recognize the illness and its causes. Most of the time, they tend to ignore certain health disorders believing a common health complication. This further leads to some severe health barriers in men. Frequent urination is common problem of oldies, which causes due to illness like fever, abdomen pain, bladder pain, etc. However, urinal infection is the main factor, to cause frequent urination. This makes the people to go repeatedly for urination at least say 8 to 10 times in a day. However, the bladder of men holds the capacity to hoard urine until it gets formed into urine. However, a person goes for frequent urination must have drunk excessive water or holds certain bladder disorders. Well, while sleeping person can hold the urination for 6 to 8 hours; since, it reduces the intensity of urine and becomes rigorous at night. However, a repeatedly urination during the night called nocturia. Sometimes, a frequent urination becomes more severe, which needs a medical attention. People, may get the passage of urine even in a normal condition as like walking, moving or lifting anything. This makes you feel very embarrassed; hence, in certain condition one should consult the doctor.

Kidney plays a great role to turn water into urine; it filters the water and decides, how much water to be circulated in the body and how much to remove as a urine. We can say urine is squander stuff that emits out by the help of the kidney. The kidney pushes urine towards the urethra, which further gets passed into the bladder, where it gets accumulate and exude out in the form of urine. Normal urine gets ooze in amber color; whereas, diabetes, albumin and jaundice sufferer may get different color urine accompanied with secretion of certain stuff. The studies stated that a normal person exude minimum 1 to 1.7 liter of urine in one day (25 hours). Well, it depends on how much fluid a person’s intake.

Causes of frequent urination in men

There are enormous reasons, which may lead to repeated exuding of urine in men. Some may include a person unhealthy lifestyle and some comprise a health illness issue. It has been found that a person who drinks more may get the complications, of frequent urination. They may get the oozing of urine at any time, while sleeping or working. Men, under medication treatments may get the risk of frequent urine passage. Sometimes, drinking certain fluids excessively such as alcohol, caffeine, etc. may enhance the risk of continual urine passage. It doesn’t include certain symptom, but sometimes illness becomes a barrier for an excessive urine secretion. An infection in urinal tract is another factor, to cause more often than the usual urination. Sometimes, certain disorders comprising prostate, diabetes, bladder, etc. leads to frequent urination.

Some more causes are:-

  • An infection of urinal tract, which may lead to damages of the urethra, bladder and rarely kidney. Unhealthy diet, sexual intercourse, unhealthy immune system, etc. leads to urinal infection, in men. This may lead to excessive and more than usual urine secretion.
  • An excessive and most frequent urination may be an indication of diabetes in men. One must share this complication to the doctor. An over staking of glucose in the blood, force it to ooze out through urine. This may also lead to dehydration in men.
  • A prostate disorder is another complicated factor to cause inadequacy in urine passage. Engorged and benign prostatic hyperplasias are another barrier factor of urinal tract. An inflamed prostate compress opposition to urethra hinders the flow of urine. It results irritated bladder, which ooze minimum, but frequent urine.
  • A man undergoes radiation therapy of the bladder leads to more often urination. This therapy is done, to treat bladder cancer, which results weak bladder wall. This makes the bladder feeble, to hold the urine for a longer period and results excessive and repeated urination. This condition might get mends after sometime, when the bladder gets healthy and active to work.
  • A painful and inflamed condition of the bladder wall tissue is called interstitial cystitis found responsible for urgent and more regular urination.
  • Strokes or certain neurological disorders may become an obstacle for the bladder function, which may cause sudden, repeated and painful secretion of urine.
  •  Men, who are facing high blood pressure problem or fluid preservation, may need to go under prescribed medication process, which force to flush out the urination. This may enhance the frequency of urine passage more than a normal time.
  • Sometimes, an overactive bladder, bladder dysfunction, unhealthy cardiac health, etc. becomes a barrier for urinary tract to secrete urine.
  • An age of the people also matters a lot in urine secretion; since, as the people grow older the holding power of the bladder gets weak, which results frequent urination.
  • Anxiety, stress, kidney infection, formation of the tumor over the pelvic area, bladder stone, bladder cancer, etc. found an additional factor, to cause frequent urination problem.

Diagnosing process

Diagnosing includes suffers medical history and physical health condition. The doctor examines the condition and asked for certain test called cystometry, cystoscopy, ultrasonography, etc. one may need to go for urinalysis process, which helps detect the compounds oozing through urine. Cystometry is the test, which examine the holding power of the bladder. Cystoscopy is the test, which includes a needle type instrument placed inside the bladder, to check the status of urethra and bladder. Ultrasonography is done to know the inner status in clear view.


After diagnosing result, people need to go for the treatment procedure. The treatments actually include medicines, which promotes healthy and strong bladder and mends the condition of excessive and frequent urine flow. One may also get vigorous pelvic muscles, so that it helps hold the urine. There might be certain restrictions on consumption stuff as like caffeine and alcohol, which enhances the risk of frequent urine flow.

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