In today’s world of entertainment and fashion, huge significance is cited on the appearance of the person. It is believe that physical looks can make or break an individual’s career. In this picture conscious world, it is hardly astonishing that people go to extremes to acquire that ideal body or flawless look. Surgery, medication, starvation or eating disorders are some of the extremes being opted these days significantly. The mania with ‘thin is in’ has been one of the main factors responsible for occurrence of eating disorders.

Most commonly known disorder is Anorexia Nervosa, also referred as Anorexia. Bulimia Nervosa also termed as Bulimia and compulsive overeating is also known by another name called binge eating.

  • Anorexia nervosa;-

While thinking about eating disorders, anorexia nervosa comes in mind impulsively. Everyone might familiar with the disorder known as anorexia. This eating disorders is also named as a psychological disorder. In reality, anorexia can be defined as an immense form of dieting and craving to lose weight. The intense feeling to become extremely thin comes from the wrong thought of being extremely fat, and being fails to manage healthy body weight. The worst part about this disorder is that people who go through it are mostly disappointed, and are mostly confused about their image. The most common reason behind people becoming anorexic are either thinking that they are fat or they might fear of turning fat in their mind. To overcome these problems they adopt easy option of not eating. People mostly takes it like a task and think that eating nothing will keep them thin. It is thought that one in every 200 girls/women suffers through anorexia. It is imperative to know that the repercussion of being anorexic is dangerous, and that the long term consequences can turn aggravate than one would visualize. There are some symptoms which people affected with anorexia frequently notice includes mania with calories, diet and the likes, depression, unexplained weight loss, living in denunciation about their weight and so on.

Along with symptoms, there are some dangerous after effects are also linked with anorexia nervosa. The list of those after effects includes kidney issues, heat problems, anemia or other blood disorders, heart diseases, osteoporosis, neurological disorders etc.

  • Bulimia nervosa:-

It is another common eating disorder which is also majorly notice in women. Bulimia nervosa or bulimia is also believed to be a type of binge eating. Similar to Anorexia nervosa, bulimia is also a condition in which person is obsessed with weight issues. In addition to this person affected with this disorder does not want to become obese and at the same time they could not stop eating food. People with this eating disorder will give preference to their hearts content and then engage in patterns like instant vomiting, intake of laxatives and diuretics, etc. In fact, frequently people going through from bulimia also experiences anorexia. But, this is not a feature of all instances. The factors mentioned here will surely assist you to know a bulimic. Major observe factors consist obsession to food, particularly high calorie foods, poor control or habit of overeating, ridiculous eating patterns, regular variation in weight, anxiety, depression, etc. These are some of the more usual and highly experienced signs of being bulimic. No wonder, this eating disorder gives rise to development of ill effects as well. The ill effects associated with eating disorders includes throat problems, tearing of the esophagus (from the extreme vomiting), dehydration, unexplained weight gain, tooth decay, bloating, swelling of the body and so on.

  • Obsessive Compulsive Overeating (OCO):-

Frequently referred as binge eating disorder and is nothing but all about being dreadfully addicted to food. This disorder seems fairly like to bulimia. The difference is people with this disorder incorporates large quantity of food in one go and they doesn’t feel blameworthy. At the same time, they will not go for intake of diuretics, laxatives, etc. Most people who go through from OCO are instances of emotional eating and notice the food functions like a method of overwhelming those feelings of pain or whatever the sentiment that they are addicted by. Common symptoms that assist recognize compulsive over-eaters comprises low self-esteem, persistent attempts at dieting, continuous variation in weight, hoarding food, insomnia, etc. The possibilities are high that victims of compulsive overeating may observe side effects such as destruction of bones, diabetes, heart diseases, high cholesterol, hypertension, arthritis and so on.

Unluckily, these days, the concept of beauty purposely or inadvertently promotes wrong ideas. This state of mind had contributed to turning a main fad amongst most young girls, hence contributing to numerous health issues too.

The way to eating disorder recovery begins with accepting you have a problem and to admit it is definitely hard. Particularly, still if you believe that weight loss is one effective solution to success, confidence and happiness. Though when you finally know this is not a true fact, old habits are still difficult to disclose.

The best thing is that the eating disorder behaviors you have learned can be unlearned if you are provoked to alter and eager to ask for help. But, getting over an eating disorder is about more than abandoning unhealthy eating behaviors. In simple words, it is about showing you again who you are beyond your eating habits, weight and body image. The exact healing from anorexia and bulimia involves hearing to your body and feeling. In addition to that, trust, accept and love yourself and enjoy healthy life again. Give maximum priority to healthy eating and avoid dieting strictly. Plus, stick to a regular eating plan. Follow these tips with full attention to beat this disorder successfully.

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