A Urinary tract infection (UTI) is prevailing in women comparing to men. But the severity of infection is definitely more eminent in men because the urinary tract and the reproductive tract partly cover. A urinary tract infection is hardly constricted by men below the age of 50. Escherichia coli also referred as E. coli, the name of bacteria that frequently stimulate these infections. While urinating, most of the bacteria that get into the urinary tract are poured out. But, the bacteria may stay stuck in the urinary tract because of numerous complications. In order to be aware of these complications, firstly understand the urinary tract.

The urinary tract consists of the kidneys, which are placed on either sides of the abdomen, urethra, bladder and abdomen. The urine that goes down from the ureters to the bladder is developed in the kidneys. The urine further imparts the bladder during the urethra. The bladder and the urethra are the most ordinary regions where the UTI takes place.

Studies indicate that, a UTI is nothing but a microbial infection, which is frequently bacterial of any part of the urinary tract. It may comprise the parenchyma of the kidney, the bladder, the renal pelvis, the ureter, the urethra or mixture of these organs. Frequently, the whole urinary tract is affected; the most regular being inducing such infection is Escherichia coli.



A urinary tract infection is mostly induced by the surplus bacteria in the urinary tract. In fact, the unmanageable development of the bacteria, E. coli, is the leading cause of urinary tract infections. There are some other causes as well which also lead to diffusion of urinary tract infection, like sex with multiple partners and lack of hygiene.


The list factors that augment the risk of UTI includes kidney or bladder stones inducing blockages, poor immune system, tainted prostate or an inflamed prostate gland, foreplay with a person affected with UTI, past urinary tract surgeries and an uncircumcised penis, as the prepuce holds more germs permitting it to get into the urinary tract.


The most common symptom of a UTI is regular urination. Other symptoms associated with UTI includes cloudy urine, pain while urinating, burning feeling while urinating, passing regular small amount of urine, blood in urine, constant urge to urinate, pain and burden on the lower abdomen, urine with bad smell, rectal pain, frequently necessitate to urinate at night (nocturia), pain during love making process, pain in the penis (infrequent), nausea, chills, temperature, confusion, mental changes, vomiting and so on.


The types of UTI infections include lower UTI and upper UTI. In lower UTI, the infection of the bladder is referred as cystitis, whereas the infection of the urethra is referred as urethritis. Homosexual men are highly susceptible to it. It is said to be chronic as there can be a hindrance in the urinary tract like a tumor or an inflamed prostate gland. Upper UTI is called as severe pyelonephritis. This is an UTI that moves up to the kidneys from the bladder and urethra. The condition is believed to be severe and can stimulate a life-threatening infection, badly affecting the kidneys.


The most usual signs related with Cystitis include uneasiness, pain in lower stomach, extreme pain while urinating, blood in urine, etc.


People suffering from urethritis often notice symptoms like fever and dysuria, abnormal discharge from penis, burning feeling while urinating, blood urine or semen, pain with ejaculation and foreplay, tenderness, itchiness or swelling in the penis or groin region, etc.


Highly observe symptoms of pyelonephritis consist of vomiting, nausea, fever or night sweats, regular urination, chills with shaking, backache, passing of emission or blood in the urine (hematuria), chronic pain in the abdomen, fatigue, weakness, etc.


The urine test is frequently done to ensure for traces of infection in the urine. This is usually done by seeking WBCs, RBCs and certain chemicals like nitrates present in the urine. Traces of bacteria can also be noted during the urine analysis. In addition, even urine culture test also carried to recognize the form of bacteria responsible for the infection. This in turn, significantly aid in prescribing appropriate antibiotic for treatment.


Drink ample of water, so the bacteria inducing the infection get removed easily from your system. Even sugarless cranberry juice or blueberry juices are also excellent solution to treat urinary tract infections. They functions like a natural sort of antibiotic. They even help to avert the bacteria from binding to the walls of the bladder. Intake of garlic also proven useful to heal UTIs to a great extent. Remember, alcohol, caffeine and drinks holding citric acid are major culprits as they encourage bladder irritation. They only aid to aggravate an UTI. In addition, do not take bubble bath and obviate wearing tight undergarments. Try maximum to maintain cleanliness by keeping genital area clean and wearing loose garments.

If the aforesaid remedies fail to offer you desire results, then see your doctor and get the UTI diagnosed. The doctors will then suggest antibiotics depending on the severity of the UTI. A simple bladder infection takes duration of a week or two to cure condition completely. The antibiotics recommended will be on a 3 day, 5 day or 7 day course basis. Do not forget to complete the course even if you get relief from the symptoms before the course finishes. As if you do no complete the course of medicine then due to this the chances of reoccurrence of infection or inducing prostate infection will increase. Infection of a prostate or a persistent infection is certainly difficult to cure.

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